Happiness Abound

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Such a simple question. How serious are you about happiness? I’ve posted so many times about goal setting, habits, and having the drive to reach your dreams before but what each on of those really comes down to is how serious are you? How serious are you about becoming healthy in a physical, mental, and emotional way? How SERIOUS are you willing to be? Are you willing to PRIORITIZE for what you want? Are you willing to DO WHAT IT TAKES? Seriously, how serious are you?

Below are some questions to ask yourself if you are ever trying to decide how badly you want something. I’ve answered them myself so you can see my process.

  • Why do I want this and what would the outcome look like?
    • I want to be happier to improve my relationships, feel better about myself and become a more positive person. The outcome would be constantly changing but over time I would be happier in all areas of my life, I’d look on the bright side more and I’d have closer connections with those I care about.
  • What are you willing to do, negotiate, or give up to make this happen?
    • I’m willing to slow down a little more and try to see other’s points of view. I’m willing to make an effort to be healthier in my eating habits and to adjust for the time and preparation it will take. I’m willing to reach out and make time for girls nights, family phone calls, and letter writing. I’m willing to give up watching TV to have more time for these things.
  • What would really help you reach these goals?
    • Support from those around me and constant reminders about the big picture and how it takes time for things to happen and work.
  • When will you dedicate time to make this happen?
    • During my commutes to and from work. During the time I would normally spend watching TV.
  • How badly do you want this? Are you willing to really do what has been outline above?
    • Yes. I know it will take dedication and planning but as long as I keep the big picture in mind when I’m tempted to negate my happiness, I know it will pay off in the end.

Remember you are capable of having happiness abound.

Photo by Jared Erondu